How to sing better for guys

July 2024 · 7 minute read

Is there a universal recipe to learn how to sing better if you are a man and not sure what to do with your voice? There are certain useful tips which may be very helpful when it comes to beautiful singing with a male voice with all its specific features and peculiarities. Below, you will find several recommendations that will help you sing better.

The first of the singing trick for guys

The very first trick a singing man should do is discover his vocal range. What is it? The vocal range of a certain voice is determined by the gap between the highest note a person can sing and the lowest one. It’s very important that these notes should be sang in comfortable condition, without overloading one’s voice. Comfortable singing also means singing without yelling, shouting, screaming, and also without turning one’s voice into a falsetto.

As well, it’s said that you need to be able to hold a certain note for no less than 15 seconds to say that you can sing it. So, the lowest and the highest notes that you can sing this way will determine your vocal range.

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The second singing trick for guys

This trick is to choose a genre in which you can sing. The best singers are able to sing in practically all genres or, at least, in most of them. The more genres you master, the better singer with a better future in music you will be. The point is that you need to master your voice perfectly to be able to sing diverse genres.

In most cases, it doesn’t matter if you are going to perform in a specific genre like rap that doesn’t demand much singing. If you want to be a good artist with a diverse discography that’s interesting to a wide audience, if you want to surprise your fans pleasantly, you need to be able to sing in at least one of the more or less classical genres.

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If you don’t know where to start, try country music first. It’s quite melodic and its tempo is not that fast as in, for instance, pop songs. Sometimes, blues are great to start with and eventually you may master faster tempos and learn how to sing better in different styles.

The third singing tip for men

At this point, you need to choose songs that are suitable to you right now and right here. Men have less flexible voices than women in most cases but they are deeper. If only you don’t have a very high-pitched voice like a female one, you should choose the songs that show the beauty of your manly voice and all its specific features.

If you feel that you can’t sing a certain song, you should not worry. Choose the ones that you can sing now and practice on them. Eventually, you will be able to try to sing the ones that are more complicated. If you can’t sing something, you shouldn’t worry because even the most recognized singers are not always able to sing whatever song they choose.

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The fourth singing tip for men

Breathing control involves the control of muscles inside your throat and your palate because they all let the air through in a specific way. The better your breathing control is, the more genres and styles you will be able to sing. Together with it, you should learn more other singing techniques that will help you make your performance diverse.

If you are into becoming a good singer, you need to learn how to sing better if you are standing and if you are sitting, if you are performing on stage or if you are quietly singing in a cozy room. After you learn how to breathe, you will need to learn how to relax after an intensive singing session.

You need to know that breathing through your abdomen instead of simply breathing through the chest will improve your singing very much. Start with learning to breathe in such a way that your abdomen expands at the moment you inhale and then push the air out through the throat in a completely controlled way. Use a mirror to see whether your Adam’s apple moves when you sing. If it does, you need more breathing control.

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The fifth tip on how to learn to sing better for guys

Don’t ignore vocal exercising. There’s a range of classic exercises you can find on the Web and practice as an imminent part of your regular singing classes, whether you learn to sing at a special school or on your own.

The exercises usually include practicing scales (ascending and descending), rhythm, tempo, staccato, and other useful things. It’s very important to practice within your starting vocal range. With time and work and practice, it will expand surely but now, when you still need training, you shouldn’t even try to take those notes that are beyond your vocal range. It can ruin your voice.

The sixth tip for men

Together with your singing, you need to improve your listening. The more you listen to other professionals, the more you learn from their style of singing. Unlike singing, you can always listen to everything you like even if those styles and genres are beyond your own comfortable zone. Listen carefully to how other renowned singers perform and you will be able to take something from their expressions, intonations, the way they modulate their voice, and so on.

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The seventh tip for good singing for guys

Keep your body healthy for a better voice. It’s hard to believe but if you really want to be a good singer, you will need a good health and a trained body. The younger and healthier your body is, the clearer and younger your voice will be. It’s very important because it’s a sad picture when young prospective singers lose their wonderful voices due to an unhealthy lifestyle and quick ageing.

Keeping healthy means quitting to smoking. It’s very important because the hot smoke and tars have an ability to spoil your larynx and change your voice making it harsh and unpleasant to listen. Besides that, smoking weakens your lungs and you can run out of breath quite quickly.

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If you watch stage performers, you may notice how active they are while on stage. Live performances last for hours and this all requires a strong trained body. It’s great if you practice sports like jogging, biking, swimming. You need an even constant load on the body without any risks of getting injured. The fast deep breathing these sports include can develop your lungs, too.

The eighth tip for singing better for guys

You should practice every day. If you are not ill and feel normal, practice singing every single day. Athletes train every day to become as skilled and proficient as possible. Painters and writers do at least a little every day to progress and master more skills, discover new horizons. If you want to succeed, you need to be hardworking, devoted, and keep on practicing.

Practice is a great thing if you suffer from stage panic and are still afraid of singing in front of a big audience.

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These tips will not help you sing better instantly, they are useful when applied regularly. In a while, you will become a trained and skilled singer with a flexible voice and great techniques.

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