Best crosshair and DPI settings for Hanzo in Overwatch 2

August 2024 ยท 4 minute read

One of the many heroes to appear in Overwatch 2, Hanzo joins characters from the DPS class such as Tracer, Soldier 76, and Widowmaker. While experienced Overwatch players should be fairly comfortable playing as Hanzo, the sequel introduces a new twist with each player.

The reticle system enables gamers to alter their in-game crosshairs. For those unaware, Hanzo hails from Hanamura, Japan, and is a skilled assassin, adept at following the conventional and religious practices of his family. He is an exceptional marksman and a member of the Damage class, but he also excels as a support player for the entire team.

Best Crosshair for Hanzo in Overwatch 2

Equipped with a Storm Bow, Hanzo is a sniper damage character who can kill non-tank characters using a single headshot. Similar to Widowmaker, Hanzo is most effective when seated at the back of the field or when climbing to elevated heights from where he can fire at his targets from a distance.

He is also capable of quickly shooting five arrows with his Storm Arrows ability, which can be useful when dealing with approaching enemies. His Sonic Arrow can locate enemies, and his ultimate attack can eliminate any adversaries in its path.

In Overwatch 2, each hero has a unique combination of weapons and abilities that require a distinct level of precision, thus, players will understandably want to utilize a separate crosshair for each one.

Players will want to employ a wider crosshair on some heroes to increase their area of effect damage, while others will require more precision, which is right where Hanzo fits in, as one needs to be precise when using his crossbow.

Headshots are the only practical way for Hanzo to dispatch adversaries rapidly with the crossbow. Non-tank heroes may get away with a few body hits, but headshots will instantly kill them.

Players should utilize considerably smaller crosshairs than they would with other heroes to enhance Hanzo's precision. As shared by some players, the dot is said to be the best crosshair for Hanzo.

Since only one crossbow arrow can be fired at a time, Hanzo's crosshair doesn't require surrounding lines because all he needs to focus on when firing is a single dot.

Here are the optimal settings for Hanzo's dot crosshairs in Overwatch 2:

With these crosshair settings, players receive a medium-sized dot that partially obscures an enemy's head while still allowing them to see where they are firing. Players can enter a custom game where they can undergo aim training with this crosshair or simply practice as Hanzo in Overwatch 2. An eDPI of around 400 is recommended.

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