Where is Clay Starbuck today?

June 2024 ยท 5 minute read

The upcoming episode of Dateline: Secrets Uncovered will to dive into the brutal murder of Chanin Starbuck and the involvement of her husband Clay Starbuck in it. The episode originally aired on August 21, 2020 and was a part of the ninth season of Dateline: Secrets Uncovered.

Chanin's murder dates back to 2011 and received a lot of media coverage, making it one of the most prolific cases of Deer Park, Washington.

Chanin Starbuck was found dead in her home in a s*xually provocative position with s*x toys around her. She was allegedly beaten, strangled, and shot with a stun gun.

A lengthy investigation eventually linked it to Chanin's ex-husband, Clay Starbuck, who also owed her more than $9000 in child support and maintenance.

Clay was found guilty of the crime and sentenced to life in prison with an additional 12 months for s*xually violating human remains. He is currently incarcerated at the Airway Heights Corrections Center in Spokane County, Washington.

Why did Clay Starbuck kill his ex-wife Chanin Starbuck?

Born in Indiana, Chanin Starbuck had an associate degree in Art Therapy. She was married to Clay Starbuck twice. They first married in 1990, but after a rocky decade, they separated in 2000. About six years later, the couple reconnected and reignited their spark, leading to their remarriage in 2006. However, their marriage didn't last a second time either.

With five kids between them, they divorced in 2011. Chanin was awarded custody of the three youngest children. Following this, Clay was asked to pay child support and maintenance.

On December 2, 2011, Clay Starbuck asked the police to do a welfare check on his wife, which proved to be futile as the house seemed perfect from the outside. The next day, Chanin's friend contacted authorities about the former's lack of response and after police went inside, they found Chanin's dead body.

A report in FindLaw described the crime scene as:

"The body was naked, bruised, and battered. Only a mattress pad was on the bed. The blankets were somewhat folded on the floor, but the bed sheets were not in the room."

It continues that the body was "posed" in a s*xually provocative position, with her phone next to the bed. The report also stated that the gun safe near Chanin's bed was open and showed some "s*xual devices on the shelves."

The medical examiner concluded that she died from asphyxia. Police initially went through a list of possible suspects from her online dating list, which was something Clay had pointed them towards. However, they later found DNA matching Clay Starbuck at the crime scene.

They also pieced together clues to paint a picture of what might have happened. Clay lured his ex-wife out to drop the kids off at school on December 1, 2011, and entered the house and waited for her.

After she returned, he killed her and tried to erase the evidence. He also posed as Chanin and texted a few people to mislead the investigators. With confirmation from a member of Chanin's church, authorities sprung to action and arrested Clay.

Clay Starbuck was allegedly jealous of his wife's life after the divorce and also owed her a lot of money. He tried to make it look like one of her online dates did it.

Starbuck was found guilty of aggravated first-degree murder and s*xually violating human remains. He was sentenced to life with an additional 12 months without the possibility of parole.

As of today, Clay remains incarcerated at the Airway Heights Corrections Center in Spokane County, Washington

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