What happened to Heather Young?

August 2024 ยท 5 minute read

Heather Young, a 42-year-old mother from Marshall, Michigan, was shot, burned, and dismembered by an elderly Onaway man named Brenton Walker, who met her at a bar and offered her a place to stay for the night. Young was visiting her boyfriend, Terry Gary, in late July 2016, but she left early after the two got into an argument.

Trigger warning: This article contains graphic details. Readers' discretion is advised.

A gruesome crime scene involving Heather's bones and other belongings was found in a fire pit at Brenton Walker's home. Walker eventually confessed to the crime, claiming that he snapped and killed Young in a fit of rage because she reminded him of his ex-wife and multiple other women in his life who he felt had wronged him. He then led authorities to her charred and dismembered remains.

Dead Silent on ID will revisit the horrifying murder of Heather Young in an episode titled Out in the Sticks. The synopsis of the episode states:

"After Heather Young and her boyfriend relocate to Michigan's tranquil Lower Peninsula, a nasty fight leads to an explosive and terrifying outcome."

The episode airs on ID this Friday, March 24, 2023, at 7 pm ET.

An investigation into Heather Young's disappearance led authorities to a local Onaway bar, where she was last seen alive with Brenton Walker

Heather Young, a mother of three, was visiting her boyfriend, Terry Gary, in Onaway in late July 2016. But things didn't go as planned after she had an argument with Gary, and she left to go home to her mom, Gail, who lived 300 miles away. Reports state that she never reached her mother's house and was soon reported missing.

An investigation into her disappearance revealed that Young stopped at a local bar and hotspot called the Cabin Bar and Grill while heading to her mother's home on July 31, 2016, the last time she was seen alive. Her abandoned car was discovered in an Onaway parking lot a few days later. Detectives learned she left the bar that night with Brenton Walker, 55.

According to Crime Watch Daily, the bar owner, Danielle Starks, later revealed that the two met at the bar and talked mostly about Young's fresh break up with Terry Gary. When she mentioned how they "had gotten into a fight, she needed somewhere to stay," Walker offered her a roof for the night, telling her about "an extra room."

Starks told detectives that Walker reportedly stated that "she left early this morning before I even woke up" and that they had only talked the previous night.

But after learning that the 55-year-old was a convicted felon with fraud and misdemeanors, including assault with a dangerous weapon under his belt, they pursued him as a suspect. They also suspected him because he was the person the missing mother was last seen with.

Some of Heather Young's remains and belongings were found in a fire pit outside Brenton Walker's house

While conducting a search of Brenton Walker's property, detectives found a firearm in his possession and traces of blood inside his trailer. They also found a burn pit outside his house in which they found bones, buttons, and some jewelry, later identified as that of Heather Young's.

Walker eventually confessed, claiming that "it just [----] happened! I snapped!" after Young touched a nerve while talking about her recent break up with her ex-boyfriend, which somehow triggered him and reminded him of his ex-wife and all the other women that did him wrong.

Michigan State Police Det. Sgt. Richard Rule told Crime Watch Daily that Walker first shot Young in the leg in a rage and then tried to tend to her wounds before shooting her again in the chest. He then put her bleeding body in the fire pit and let it burn for 18 hours before dismembering her charred remains and disposing of the parts in a green field near an electrical tower.

Brenton Walker pleaded guilty to second-degree murder in Heather Young's 2016 murder and was handed a 45 to 70 years prison term.

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