How to score perfect trivela shots in FIFA 23

September 2024 ยท 4 minute read

Despite numerous changes to the game's meta with various patches and Title Updates, trivela shots are still extremely overpowered in FIFA 23. These flair shots were ridiculously effective in the game's early stages, serving as the perfect counter against gamers who preferred to sit back and defend with numbers in a low block.

The trivela technique is extremely impressive and can only be utilized effectively in real life by the best, with Ricardo Quaresma and Luka Modric making a habit out of executing it flawlessly; however, it is rather easy to perform in FIFA 23 and is one of the most consistent ways to score goals on the virtual pitch.

Trivela shots are extremely overpowered in the offensive meta of FIFA 23

Timed-finishing was introduced in FIFA 19 and has retained its viability and effectiveness over the years. Green-timed shots are more likely to beat the goalkeeper and find the back of the net. Pairing this mechanic with trivela shots makes it the most effective and consistent method of scoring goals in FIFA 23.

Trivela shots were considerably easier to score earlier in the game cycle, with even low-rated footballers being capable of scoring long-range wonder goals. The accuracy of these shots was nerfed over time by various Title Updates and Live Tuning changes; however, this is still an incredibly overpowered technique when used correctly, especially with players possessing the right attributes.

How to perform a trivela shot?

The shot is executed similarly to flair shots. Gamers must hold down the L2 button on PlayStation or the LT button on Xbox and press shoot. The key difference between a trivela and a flair shot is the angle at which it is performed.

The shot can only be executed with the footballer's stronger foot, so fans must ensure that the player in question is in a position to shoot the ball with their preferred foot. The most optimal situation for this is facing the goal at a 45-degree angle, allowing them to try and aim for the top corner.

Formations like the 4-3-2-1 and 4-2-3-1 are ideal for trivela shots as it allows attackers to be present in the right position for this tactic.

What are the attributes to look for in players for trivela shots?

The most beneficial attribute to consider when implementing this tactic is the Outside Foot Shot trait. Players with this trait are more adept at performing this technique in FIFA 23.

Footballers with exceptional shooting stats are also better equipped to perform trivela shots. High finishing and long shot stats are ideal for scoring long-range screamers, but fans will be surprised to learn that it is also beneficial for players to possess low shot power.

The ideal shot power range is between 80 and 89, allowing players to shoot the ball in a looping motion, beating the keeper with a superb lofted effort in FIFA 23.

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