Sam Reinhart marries girlfriend Jessica Reinhart in mesmerizing SoCal mountain location

August 2024 ยท 4 minute read

Florida Panthers hockey star Sam Reinhart took to Instagram to share some beautiful moments from his recent wedding with his fans. The enchanting images give a glimpse into the magical celebration of Sam and Jessica Reinhart's wedding. The ceremony took place at the Hummingbird Nest Ranch in Santa Susana, California, on July 7

His Instagram caption reads:

"Grab that net and catch that beautiful butterfly pal! What do you like better Christmas or wedding season?"

In the first black and white photo, the couple is captured in a tender embrace, their eyes locked in a loving gaze. The affectionate moment showcases the deep connection between the newlyweds, a moment of happiness and joy.

The second photo portrays a breathtaking scene, with Jessica leaning on Sam Reinhart's shoulders against the backdrop of a picturesque mountain landscape. The natural beauty surrounding them made it a truly unforgettable snapshot of their special day.

Moving on to the next picture, we witness the couple cutting their wedding cake. The joyous moment captures them as they embark on their journey as husband and wife, sharing this sweet tradition with their loved ones.

Sam Reinhart also took the opportunity to pose with his friends in one of the images. And in yet another photo, the whole scene comes into focus. The distance shot portrays the awe-inspiring landscape of mountains, flowers and glowing lights that adorned the venue. This breathtaking view served as the perfect setting for Sam and Jessica's dream wedding, creating an ambiance of romance.

Sam Reinhart and Jessica Reinhart's wedding

Sam Reinhart's bride, Jessica, looked stunning as she walked down the aisle in a timeless and elegant silk gown designed by Toronto-based designer Ines Di Santo, complemented by a breathtaking cape. The ceremony, officiated by Reinhart's childhood best friend, David Begert, saw the couple exchange traditional vows in front of their 150 guests.

The couple's love story began in March 2020, right before the pandemic, after meeting for the first time in January of that year. What was initially supposed to be a two-week stay turned into eight months when Jessica moved to Vancouver to live with Sam's family. Their love blossomed, and they got engaged on Dec. 24, 2021.

The wedding was a joyous occasion, filled with love, laughter and dancing. The couple's first dance to Matt Stell's "Prayed for You" was a touching moment that they will cherish forever.

Surrounded by their loved ones, the couple embarked on a new chapter of their lives together, with hearts full of joy and excitement for the future.

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