Your weekly horoscope revealed for 12th to 18th December 2022

September 2024 · 3 minute read

Check out your horoscope below


There is both magic and mayhem in the Neptune signature this week. Keep plans flexible as inevitably certain aspects of life cannot go as planned. However, once you let go of trying to control everything you realise you have extra time for enjoying a little Christmas sparkle.


Although you normally dig in your heels and refuse to budge, something is telling you that the time has come to relinquish you’re holding. It doesn’t mean you’re losing, instead you can open up your arms to the abundance of what comes next when you are available for the unexpected.


It's clear that things will take a little more time than is ideal in your books. Yet factors that would normally fall into place are either not available or not right. Pursuing yet more options would be counter-productive. Do the thing that Gemini’s find hardest to do. Wait. You’ll notice things shift by themselves.


If you cannot find a logical explanation for what’s happening it’s because there isn’t one. For no fault on your part you’re caught in the middle of someone’s unconscious projection. As they cannot see things as they really are they’re emitting a fantasy that fits their bill. You don’t have to go there.


As the cosmic mists descend it’s difficult to sort out fact from fiction and to keep to business as usual. As everyone feels scattered or confused, they’re hoping you’ll come up with an instant solution. Instead what you’re offering is a creative way to understand what’s going on and stay hopeful.


The best laid plans are subject to Neptune’s ethereal influence this week. You’re finding that you’re having to be as adaptable as everyone else and in some instances let go of what you originally intended. Pausing for a moment will give you the space to see things beyond your normal perspective.


The outside world sometimes seems bleak to a harmony loving Libra. You’re done with being treated like an object and seek greater tenderness, spiritual attunement and connection. Think about what you’re drawn to at the moment and be the change you seek.


The gap between being connected and disconnected is very apparent. In some ways you feel in touch with a force greater than yourself. On the other hand, certain people are leaving you hanging in the void. Giving more won’t make things happen. Release comes from being, not doing.


Whilst certain elements of your life are green-lit, this isn’t the moment to assume everything will be a cinch. Some people are simply unable to come up with the goods. Weave some elastic into your schedules and make allowances for plans disappearing. Normal service will resume shortly.


In the run-up to the winter solstice and the Sun’s entry into your sign on the 21 st you need to take extra care of yourself. Besides which, things of a delicate nature cannot be rushed or forced. Release yourself from everything having to be certain and allow some space for magic and mystery.


Of all signs you possess a capacity to go beyond the limits of ordinary perception and glimpse something truly out of the ordinary. This is why it’s important to get yourself into the zone and refrain from buying into other people’s judgments as to what is and isn’t happening. There is more to it.


Whilst some people go into sink or swim mode at the first sign of things not going according to plan, you’re perfectly happy to float along and see where the tide takes you. This is a blessing and a gift and saves you the stress of being on red alert. Living in the realm of possibilities makes all things possible.
